Meet our Personal Trainers — Kelsey

Why do you love training women? 

I’m obsessed with strong women – I think women underestimate themselves a lot of the time, especially in regards to their physical capacity, and I love helping them realise exactly how much their body is capable of. Like, come on, we deal with horrific menstrual cramps every single month — we birth children!! — we do awesome thing with our bodies … so you can absolutely get through 10 more seconds of burpees, you amazon warrior! 

Why do you think one on one or small group training is important? 

The best thing about working with a PT is having someone solely focused on you and your needs for the entire session – whether those needs are physical, mental or emotional. That goes doubly so during COVID times, as it helps to break up the isolation you might be experiencing and gives you a much needed mental break from a really stressful and chaotic environment. Small group PT adds that extra social element you might be craving and also an extra layer of accountability – you have three other people waiting for you, so you don’t want to let them down! 

My strengths:

I have a bit of a weird infatuation with glutes – I know, I know, I like the booty! But seriously, I’ve seen a lot of injuries and experienced a few first-hand that could have been avoided by focusing a little more on glute activation and strength, so now I preach that quite a lot. I also really love seeing muscles grow!! Building a good, strong, luscious booty and set of pins is more satisfying to me than watching weight fall off. So, more broadly, my PT style is to focus on the bigger sorts of lifts using the squat racks and finish off with a really high-intensity round to get you sweaty, breathless and full of endorphins.